Monday, April 03, 2006

Social Calendar

WEll, looks like this introvert is being gently pushed out of her shell. Hubby is not pushing or making me attend parties I don't want to attend, and it's totally up to me if want to go, but I want to make him happy and want to leave my comfort zone a bit and so I went on few events with him. This past Friday night, he & his colleagues were trying to recruit a new doctor to this side of the Shore. Hopefully it worked because they need someone here. I had a great time and I met R's boss and his wife and the rest of the gang. They're all great people and all down to earth. R's young coworker was so easygoing and so pleasant to talk to. The dinner was held in a great restaurant. The presentation of each food was amazing and ambience was pleasing. Dinner lasted four hours because everyone lost track of time, that's how good it was. The conversation was flowy and everyone seemed to have enjoyed the night. The next night, we had another dinner invitation to go to and that was even better than the night before. I met two other fils and they were both great, very friendly. R's boss's wife was there with her son. He was nice like his parents and we had Japan as a common ground. R's other friend was there. R's locally renowned artist friend and her son hosted the dinner. They're both also down to earth, very easygoing people. We were given a tour of the place and we also went out to the docks and stayed by the water for a few mins. Walked around the grounds and inspected various plants. It was a great place. Then we had dinner and it was spicy hot, but really good. It was a no-meat meal and Indian style cuisine. Our dessert was coconut meat with juice and that was also good. The conversation was casual and anything went. I had a lot to say and shared a lot that night, a first for me because I'm usually not saying much in previous dinner invitations. I had a great time. Then yesterday, a Sunday, R and I went across the bay and ate at a local fil restaurant and ate authentic fil cuisine. Then we went to Mt. Trashmore and walked up the hill and sat down and read the paper. I was teaching R some fil phrases. We then walked around the track surrounding a mini lake and stopped half-way and read the paper some more. Then we went to Barnes and Noble and bought some books but we got hungry so we then walked across the road to Ruby Tuesday and ate there. Talked a bit after eating, then walked back to B&NB. Bought three more books and then made our way home. By then it was already past my bedtime of nine pm. Got home, immediately brushed my teeth and readied for bed and read a bit. I looked up every word I didn't know the exact meaning to and that was also fun. By the end of this huge book, my vocabulary would dramatically I'm easily pleased so something that someone might find boring is extremely enjoyable to me. So this weekend was the greatest I've had in a really long time, if ever. Then sometime today I'm going to R's office and join in another fun event, don't know what though....then wed is also another night out and on Friday night...i'm looking forward to that...maybe I'm not such an introvert after all.....haha


Blogger Lan said...

Hi Hilds.. what I can say is be happy with your new life and enjoy the blessing that god giving you. God bless you and richard and your kids.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Yellow Roses said...

Hi Lan, thanks...You too...I hope you're happy also all the time. I know you are very happy, especially with your son and hubby...I'm sure life is keeping you busy these days, especially with the weather being so nice...diba?

9:51 AM  

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