Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Hiking Pics

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Simply Happy...

Rich and I arrived home tonight from a nine day trip to Spokane, WA. It was a blast. I finally met the rest of Rich's siblings and I must say that they're all incredible individuals. They're all kind and easy-going, and made me feel right at home. Marge and Mike were hospitable and were great hosts, and oh, Adrian also. He's a charming young person, full of life. I must say that all of them are that way, full of life.

Our time in Spokane was amazing. There were a lot of firsts for me. Namely, hiking, seeing WA, & watching the Hoopfest. Also, I met someone who loves crafting as much as I do which is another first. I had an awesome time helping Marge with her projects for her Fiesta Camp. We're also crocheting a blouse together, but I have yet to purchase my threads and hooks. Sorry Marge, but I'll try to get to it ASAP!!! I'm excited starting and finishing this project.

HIKING: The third day in Spokane was spent hiking on the mountain. That mountain reminded me of Baguio when we reached the top, so high up it was almost scary driving all the way to the top. The view was just incredible and cool. We saw the Vista House, sort of like a lodge where skiers stop to take a break and drink or eat something hot or just to simply warm up before heading down the slope again. During the winter months, this is where the family goes skiing. While we were at the top, Adrian explained how he snowboards from where were standing. Just the thought alone scared me. It just seemed so high and there were so many trees down the slope. But then again, this is the same boy who told me that he mountain bikes on the bluff we hiked on the previous day. This very bluff I'm talking about is so steep that I was almost too afraid to trek down when I first saw it. The paths were almost too small for bikes to fit without sliding down sideways, but I guess it's possible to ride a bike on it. I have to say that the scenery alone would motivate anyone to get off their tosh and lead an active lifestyle.

During the same day we went up the mountain Marge shared the route she takes when she's country skiing...I think that's what they called it. it was approximately 3 1/2 miles long. Before I forget, just want to share that the previous day, the second day we were in Spokane, Marge took us hiking on the bluff close to her house. I was amazed by the scenery on our way, zigzagging down the side of the mountain. Traveling down the bluff was no big deal, except maybe the worry of slipping on the gravel and falling down the mountain, but that never happened. We took in the scenery before us once we reached the bottom. All I can say is, wow! Now, going down was easy, but climbing back up was another story. It was more difficult because I was in no condition to do an aerobic workout just then. The climb up made my heart pump to the max and I could hear the blood pumping. My ears seemed to have been pulsating and so was my throat. At that time my legs were not aching, just my chest. My heart felt like it was going to burst out. I stopped occasionally because I wasn't going to be foolish and risk fainting right there and then...Believe me, I'm prone to fainting and it's happened at least three times in my childhood during physical exertion, so I'm very careful about it. I know when to stop when I have to. The day after the two hikes, I felt the aches and pain, but I was extremely pleased that I finally found an exercise that worked my thighs in places I never achieved in any workout I've tried in the past, and of course the trek on the bluff really worked the glutious maximus. I say a few months of living in a place like Spokane will get me in total shape, probably the best shape I'll ever be in life.

To be continued later coz I'm extremely sleepy's almost three a.m. O sige, nite nite...

Thursday, June 01, 2006


An update is long overdue. I've been lazy with the pc. I barely go online these days because the weather have been incredible lately and I've spent most of my days outside or inside tinkering with things. I've been contemplating painting the bedroom walls (Bruce's and our MB and maybe the bathroom). I've got the colors selected. As for my work outside, progress has been slow, but nearly done. I'll take more pics soon. Hopefully by nightfall I'll post the pictures here. Tis for now.